
Warmboard Official Blog

Creating a Healthier, Happier Home for Your Family

How to create a Healthier and Happier Home: Beyond Just Walls and Roof We often focus on maintaining a healthy body and mind through diet and exercise, but sometimes we overlook the impact our environment can have on our well-being. The state of our homes can significantly influence our health and happiness, especially for families. ... Creating a Healthier, Happier Home for Your Family


Warmboard-S vs Gypsum Concrete

The Most Important Comparison is Conductivity Why Warmboard? Simply put, the job of a radiant panel is to conduct heat from water in a tube to the surface of your floor. Gypsum concrete may have a long association with radiant, but given a blank sheet of paper today, no engineer would choose that material for a ... Warmboard-S vs Gypsum Concrete

A Plumbing Pro’s Winning Project: An Interview with Benny Carrillo

We interviewed Benny Carrillo from ‘A Plumbing Pro’ company about his winning project submitted to our WCS installation contest. This family owned business was established in 2011 in Denver, Colorado. Here we speak with Benny Carrillo, owner of the company, as he discusses his experience working with Warmboard on a recent hydronic heating project. He ... A Plumbing Pro’s Winning Project: An Interview with Benny Carrillo

Interview with winners of WCS project from Quebec, Canada

We had the chance to chat with Gordon Milligan from Strathmore and Shayne Toohey from RTM Inc about their award winning project in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.  Shayne Toohey is a Mechanical Contractor from RTM Inc. and Gordon Milligan, Vice-President at Strathmore Commercial Landscape Management and owner of the home where WCS was installed. We discussed ... Interview with winners of WCS project from Quebec, Canada

WCS Contest Winner talks about his experience with Warmboard

We recently spoke with Joe Ambrose of Radiant Heating LLC, who has been working with Warmboard for over five years. In this interview, he shares his experience with us and how he came to be involved in the winning project of the Warmboard Comfort System Install Contest 2023. Since his first project, Joe was impressed ... WCS Contest Winner talks about his experience with Warmboard

WCS Install Contest Winners Announced!

It is our pleasure to announce the winners of the Warmboard Comfort System Installation Contest. We want to thank everyone who participated. We were so impressed by all of the entries but there were three that stood above the rest. Congratulations to our winners: 1st Place: Joe A. from Radiant Heating LLC. Waretown, New Jersey ... WCS Install Contest Winners Announced!

Hydronic vs. Electric Heating: Which is Better?

When choosing a heating system for your home, there are many factors to consider, including efficiency, cost, and comfort. Two popular options are hydronic and electric heating systems. Both systems have their own advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to weigh the pros and cons before making a decision. In this article, we will compare ... Hydronic vs. Electric Heating: Which is Better?

The Future of Energy-Efficient Heating: Low Water Temperatures

While we insulate homes to prevent heat from escaping outside, even the most well-insulated homes experience heat loss. This is because heat can be transferred through conduction, convection, and radiation. Conduction is the transfer of heat from one molecule to another through direct contact. Convection is the transfer of heat through the movement of fluids ... The Future of Energy-Efficient Heating: Low Water Temperatures

What Is Radiant Heat?

Radiant floor heating is the intelligent way of heating a home. Hydronic radiant flooring can now replace entire home heating systems. What’s great about these solutions is it provides a more energy-efficient method of warmth throughout every room. But what is radiant heating? We’ve put together a short list of FAQs that we often receive ... What Is Radiant Heat?

Pros and Cons of In Floor Heating

Winter is fast approaching and you may find yourself considering alternative forms of heat. While conventional forced air heating can get the job done, it leaves much to be desired, especially when it comes to comfort, efficiency, and sustainability. But have you considered an in-floor heating system? You may be surprised to find that they ... Pros and Cons of In Floor Heating

How to Choose a Radiant Floor Heating System

Cosmetic upgrades to a home can feel never-ending. There are so many styles, options, materials, and inspiration that it often leaves homeowners feeling overwhelmed. Similarly, if you’re looking to change or upgrade your homes’ heating system, it’s no longer a straightforward answer of installing a new HVAC system. Changing technology means that homeowners’ can weigh ... How to Choose a Radiant Floor Heating System

What To Know About Radiant Heat Installation

Radiant floor heating can be just the thing to keep your home warm and comfortable, any time of year. In many parts of the country, winter can be brutal, especially with things like snow storms, deep freezes, and big weather pattern changes. However, dealing with harsh cold weather realities should start in your home. Installation ... What To Know About Radiant Heat Installation

Best Flooring Over Hydronic Radiant Heat

If you’re considering upgrading or installing radiant heat into an existing or new build home, it’s important to understand the different types of flooring options. Most homeowners want to consider the best types of flooring over hydronic radiant heat to ensure that it works well with the home for the long-run.  Radiant floor heating systems ... Best Flooring Over Hydronic Radiant Heat

2023 Guide to Floor Heating Systems & Radiant Heat

This is our guide to floor heating and everything you need to know — floor to ceiling. For the newest guide, visit our blog post about 2024 guide to heating systems. Upgrading your home with energy efficient features can be hugely beneficial for long-term savings, not to mention increasing the value and comfort of the home. ... 2023 Guide to Floor Heating Systems & Radiant Heat